Magic dissolving and portal effect (Houdini and Unreal Engine)

Houdini portal exported from Houdini to Unreal

Houdini portal exported from Houdini to Unreal

Magic ability front view with HLSL shader

Magic ability side view with HLSL shader

Top view

Pure effect top view

Closer shot

Closer shot



HLSL dark moon shader

HLSL dark moon shader

Houdini portal 4 elements setting

Houdini portal 4 elements setting

Houdini emitters in Unreal

Houdini emitters in Unreal

This project aims to combine Houdini and Unreal powers for creating a magic portal and dissolving effects. First, I created a portal effect using particles with some VEX expressions in Houdini, set up velocity, colors, alpha, etc. Secondly, I transferred these emitters to Unreal Niagara. Thirdly, I created a dissolving material for a character, using Unreal Materials and Substance Designer. Fourthly, I created and added HLSL shader of the Black Moon to set it in the background of the scene.

July 3, 2023