Unreal Engine 5 Magic Ghosts Effect

General view

Dynamic view

Front view


Gathering energy

Gathering energy

Ghosts take a target

Ghosts take a target

Ghosts meet the sphere

Ghosts meet the sphere

Waves of particles are the part of impact

Waves of particles are the part of impact

Closer look at the hit

Closer look at the hit

Energy emitter and trails together

Energy emitter and trails together

Houdini and Unreal Engine waves of energy after a hit

Houdini and Unreal Engine waves of energy after a hit

Gathering energy and sphere implosion effects

Gathering energy and sphere implosion effects

This effect was inspired by Elden Ring Carian Magic, especially the Comet Azur and Carian Phalanx. Accordingly, I imagine something very powerful and shiny but with some drops of dark magic for this effect. For that I created ghosts who get a target and then attack rapidly. In this project I used mostly Unreal Engine Niagara and some Houdini particles.

In my blog there is a couple of words about development of this project.

August 22, 2023