Magic luminescence (Houdini and Unreal Engine)

Statue dissolving effect with a magic lamp

Statue dissolving effect with a magic lamp

The statue effect emphasizes the hand and heart

The statue effect emphasizes the hand and heart

Final stage of the effect. These colors and movement were inspired by underwater luminescence

Final stage of the effect. These colors and movement were inspired by underwater luminescence

National Geographic references of the bioluminescence

National Geographic references of the bioluminescence

Unreal Engine Sequence frontal view render

Unreal Engine dynamic scene render

Unreal Scene composition in Nuke

Unreal Scene composition in Nuke

Houdini statue effect set up. Here I aimed to create random multiple splashes

References for splashes on the statue taken from the Australian Canon website

References for splashes on the statue taken from the Australian Canon website

Torch set up

Torch set up

This project was inspired by underwater magical particles. I used Houdini for creating particle effects and Unreal Engine sequencer for making a dissolving material and complete scene. This is my first experience with Nuke for compositing the Unreal scene.
The statue of Hebe was taken from the Unreal Engine Museum Environment Kit.

January 13, 2024